Monday, December 8, 2008

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home under construction/modification

This no longer cuts it as a bedside table because the little one is carrying it off...
So this here is a safer alternative, its unbreakable!

And because these are now her treasure troves...

These had to be purchased and installed to avoid any 'mishaps'...
The finished product...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

White Orchids

No point to this entry except that of all the orchids, I find the white ones the prettiest.

Mary ....

Mary had a little was a delicious meal...

haha yummy!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Goodbye whiteboard, you have served me well.

Goodbye vegetable plots and bus stop. How can I forget your excellent shelter (not to mention the slowest bus service known to mankind)...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Elephants are regal

Whatever form they come in...

Curious Structures

What are those?

Located near IKEA Tampines.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Zoo 2008

My current angels

Time out! Oh you know exactly what you did to deserve that one.
At West Coast, 2008

My wonderful, energetic, overly excitable lot of kiddos.

We have had a whale of a time since 2007 eh?

This is really funny

Friday, October 31, 2008

Dinner before we close our doors

Anyone interested in an 8 course dinner for only $30?!!!

It will be a great way to say goodbye to your primary school. DInner with teachers, principals of the past and present, parents etc etc

Let me know.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I actually watched this, for the first time (gasp!) in my life, with the kiddos.
Saying I didn't enjoy it is putting it lightly.
Slapstick. Silly.
How can a chair make dragging noises when you are at the bottom of the ocean.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Favourite Class

Which i will always miss...

Time flies

Just one yr ago, we were awaiting your arrival for a whole 24 hrs.

How time flies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Exam Week

Back to school in a while.
It's exam week, I hope the kiddos do well. I hope they really worked hard.

Chemicals in lipstick linked to breast cancer risk

Article from: AAPDecember 07, 2007 11:10amCHEMICALS found in lipstick and nail varnish could trigger breast cancer, scientists have warned.A study has shown that butyl benzyl phthalate, or BBP, can interfere with the healthy development of breast tissue.Environmental campaigners have called for it to be banned in the cosmetic industry, where it is used to make products glossy.The man-made substance is part of the phthalate family of chemicals, which mimic the female sex hormone oestrogen.Phthalates are widely used to soften plastics and are found in food packaging, toys, carpets and solvents.Past studies have linked them to birth defects, kidney problems and infertility.They have been banned in teething rings and babies' dummies across Europe.Now, scientists at the Fox Chase Cancer Centre in Philadelphia say that BBP - which accumulates in our fat cells - could increase the risks of breast cancer.The team fed lactating rats with BBP, which was then absorbed by their offspring via breast milk.The baby rats were exposed to levels of the chemical estimated to be nearly equivalent to the American Environmental Protection Agency's safe dose for humans, the researchers reported in the online journal BMC Genomics.The chemical altered the genetic make-up of cells in the young female rat's mammary glands.Although the effects wore off once BBP was removed from the diet, the subtle changes could have an effect later in life, the scientists say."We are the first to report that neonatal/prepubertal exposure to BBP induced modifications in the gene expression of the mammary tissue," said team leader Dr Jose Russo."BBP is in the environment, so a constant exposure via inhalation and digestive tract can reach many different organs including the breast."In this study, we found how the action of this compound present in everyday life affects the development of the rats."This is an indication that the same could happen in humans. Even if an individual is exposed to it in the beginning of life, BBP can cause alterations later in life."In this direction, we are evaluating if the exposure of this compound in young girls is associated with early puberty and breast development."The researchers say more studies are needed to determine if the chemical actually does increase the risk of breast cancer in rats.Two years ago a study found one of the first links between phthalates and genital defects.Researchers at the University of Rochester, New York, discovered that women with higher levels of phthalate break-down chemicals, or metabolites, in their urine were more likely to give birth to boys with under-developed sexual organs.The Women's Environmental Network said phthalates were present in four out of five cosmetic products on sale in Britain."There are safer alternatives," said a spokesman. "We want to see them removed from all cosmetics. People are putting numerous cosmetics on their skin each day - from shower gel, to hair spray and moisturiser."Trace elements are being absorbed by the skin and they can build up in the body and have a long-term effect."

Saturday, September 27, 2008



The funny thing about ideas is, they don't work if you don't.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fire at AMK

Photos courtesy of my husband.